Planet Earth receives enough solar energy every day to power the world for a year
Solaclad focus is towards innovative next generation renewable energy technology -
providing significant global community and built environment benefits
Next Generation Solar Energy
- GEN 3 and GEN 4 reengineered integrated materials as solar collectors
- Diffusion bonds / engineered connections between panels
- Micro, string and next generation inverters
- Reversible fuel cells / storage systems / smart meters
A microbial / biological fuel cell continuously generates electricity and repeatedly reverses polarity dependent on aeration or solar energy exposure
Solar Energy - Generation 1 to 4
GEN 1 – Conventional PV panels
15 to 25% efficiency
Solar cells include monocrystalline and polycrystalline Si. Cells relatively expensive and work with a single p-n junction design
GEN 2 – Thin film solar
10 to 20% efficiency
Thin-film solar cells generally include amorphous Si, cadmium telluride (CdTe) and Copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS). Cells tend to have lower efficiency but significantly cheaper
GEN 3 and GEN 4 – Integrated solar
20 to 40%+ efficiency
Multiple or tandem junction solar cells provide potential to exceed 40% efficiency through Perovskite cells, nanotechnology and layers with different band widths. Emerging technologies include Si quantum dot cells dye sensitised and organic / plastic solar cells